Bus Rules


Note: The bus is an extension of the school. The same expectations are in place on the bus as in the classroom. The list below is for clarification on bus-specific situations that may vary from the school handbook's expectations. 

At the stop:

  1. Be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled time. The bus is on a tight schedule and only has 3-4 minutes built in for each stop. If you are not there waiting you will cause the entire route to run late.  

  2. While waiting for the bus, students must remain in a safe place away from traffic. Stay off the roadway or highway!! Stand back at least ten feet from the bus stop and wait until the driver motions you to approach and the door is open before moving toward the bus.

  3. If your bus is late getting to your stop in the morning, wait until it arrives. If you are tardy at school, go to the office and report it.

  4. While loading or unloading, enter or leave the bus orderly and quickly while following the driver's instructions.

  5. If you must cross the road to get on the bus, wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver has signaled for you to cross in front of the bus. If you must cross the road after leaving the bus in the afternoon, go to a point on the shoulder of the road approximately ten (10) feet in front of the bus. Cross the road only after the driver has signaled for you to do so.

On the bus:

  1. Do not bring visiting relatives, friends, or pets, to ride the bus. Occasional riders (riding home with a friend; going to grandparents) must have the proper form, Permission to Ride to an Alternate Address,  from the school signed by the principal in order to ride.  After you have been assigned to a bus, do not change and ride another bus without the Permission to Ride Form.

  2. Do not bring large items on the bus or items that protrude into the aisle of the bus. Band instruments that can be carried on your lap are permissible. Absolutely no baritones or tubas are allowed on the bus, no exceptions. 

  3. Any toys or other recreational items (footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, etc.) must be kept in a backpack or some other sort of bag or container on the bus and at the bus exchange. State law prohibits laser lights on the bus.

  4. Students are not allowed to play music on the bus unless they are using earbuds, headphones; playing music aloud through a phone speaker or external speaker is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. The speaker can be confiscated and held until the end of the year. 

  5. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will not distract the attention of the driver or disturb other riders on the bus. Causing any distractions are a safety hazard. Every second a driver is watching students is a second his eyes are off the road. 

  6. No food and drinks shall be consumed on the bus or removed from backpacks. If food bags are taken home they must stay closed. If food is opened on the bus the student will lose the food program. 

  7. There is to be no profanity or vulgar language on the bus. 

  8. When you talk, talk in a normal tone, screaming and yelling is a distractions. 

  9. There is to be no scuffling, hitting, or fighting on the bus or at bus stops. If someone is bothering you, report it to the driver. Any aggressive contact will result in a suspension. 

  10. Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion. Always wait until the bus comes to a stop before standing up to get off the bus. Moving around the bus is a safety concern. 

  11. The bus driver has the authority to assign a seat and the student must comply. 

  12. Students are not to tamper with any of the safety devices such as door latches, fire extinguishers, etc.

  13. Any act of vandalism will result in a $100.00 restitution fine for each item vandalized. Riding privileges are revoked until a fine is paid after the required suspension. Three acts of vandalism in two years will result in permanently being removed from RSD transportation. 

  14. Students are not to put their hands, arms, heads, or any other part of their bodies out the window.

  15. Any item thrown from the bus will result in disciplinary action and could result in a littering fine. 

  16. Do not ask the driver to let you off the bus at any place other than your regular stop. He is not authorized to do this. 

  17. Once dropped off, going to the mailbox to check the mail before the bus leaves is against state law. If you are supposed to check the mail you must wait until the bus leaves the area. This is a safety hazard.

  18. While riding the bus, students are under the supervision of the driver and must obey the driver at all times. Insubordination is not tolerated. 

  19. Bullying is not tolerated in any form on Russellville School District buses. Anyone participating in this type of activity may be suspended from riding all buses.

  20. Any activity that is a distraction to the driver is not tolerated. Students may be suspended from the bus, and riding privileges revoked for distracting activities. The bus driver will report unacceptable behavior to the Transportation Director.

Students will always be treated with respect and equitably. If there are any concerns please report to the driver, building principal, or Transportation Office as soon as possible. 

Riding a bus is a privilege and RSD retains the right to revoke those privileges at its discretion. Multiple offenses will result in the loss of riding privileges.